Es liegt eben in der menschlichen Natur, vernünftig zu denken und unlogisch zu handeln.
Anatole France

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One day Adam is hanging in the garden of Eden when God comes
down to speak with him. "Adam", he says " I've got some good news and some bad news which do you
want to hear first?" "Well," says Adam " give me the good news first" God replies "I've got two new
organs for you. The first is called a brain. It will allow you to be creative, solve problems and have
intelligent conversations with Eve. The second organ is called a penis. It well allow you to reproduce and
populate the world I have made for you and Eve will like it because you will be able to give her children."
"This is great" Adam exclaims, "How could any news be bad after such glad tidings?" "Unfortunately"
says God sadly "when I created you I only put enough blood in your body to use one of these organs at a time".

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